E-NEWS Spotlight on Learning

Grade 7/8 organized a probability carnival to review their math unit in a very fun manner!
A Grade 7 student joined a Grade 6 class to teach students how to make stop motion videos for their next social studies project! Students enjoyed experimenting with this new way to show their learning.
We are so pleased to be offering clubs again! Thank you Richard from Grade 7/8 for getting a Cubing Club started and special thanks to his parents for donating the materials!
Our Grade 4 students are learning all about math fractions.
Thank you to all parents that were able to attend Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences virtually, by telephone or in-person. It has been nice to see parents in the school again for these meetings and as volunteers!
Important Upcoming Dates
- March 23 - BES Council Meeting 3:20 pm - meeting link
- March 23 - CRPS Public Board Meeting 7:00 pm - follow the link to view the agenda
- March 24 - Next Hot Lunch day - please remember to send a container with a lid and utensils
- March 25 - Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness - did you know that more people have epilepsy than those who have Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease and Cerebral Palsy combined? 1 in 26 will be affected by epilepsy and there are over 65 million people living with epilepsy worldwide.Purple day for Epilepsy Awareness is a grassroots effort dedicated to increasing awareness worldwide. Purple day is March 26, but BES is recognizing this day on March 25 (Friday). Please wear anything purple in support of raising awareness for everyone who is affected by epilepsy.
- March 31 - Suicide Awareness Parent Session 6:30 pm at BES
- April 1 - Tropical Day Students are encouraged to wear flower print, sun hats, etc. to celebrate the last day of school before Spring Break
- April 1 - Professional Development, 12:02 pm dismissal for Grades 1 - 8 No Kindergarten classes
- April 4 - 15 - Spring Break - School is closed see you on Monday April 18
Lost and Found
The number of items in our Lost & Found has been growing again. Please ask your child to check out the lost & found tables. Please feel free to come by and check for lost items.
Grade 8 Transition Meeting
A Grade 8 parent and student information night will be held on Tuesday April 26 at 6:30 pm at Banff Community High School. This will be a one hour session to welcome current Grade 8 parents and students to BCHS. We will go over topics including Grade 9 timetables, supports in our school, and extra curriculars. At the end of the session, parents will be given direction on how to sign their child up for option classes. *If your child is interested in attending Canmore Collegiate High School in Grade 9, CCHS will be hosting their transition meeting at CCHS on Monday, April 25 at 6:30 pm. Please contact Principal Chris Rogers chris.rogers@crps.ca to discuss this option.
Suicide Awareness
You are invited to a Parent Session on Suicide Awareness hosted by Right from the Start, Ms. Butenschon, and Yvonne Law from the Town of Banff. This session will provide you with information such as what is suicide, warning signs of suicide, and some tips on how to talk to your child about suicide. The session will be in-person on March 31 at 6:30 pm at Banff Elementary School for about 1.5 hours. To register for the session, please respond here: Registration Form or email megan.jenniex@crps.ca so that we can be appropriately prepared. Tea and snacks will be provided.
2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration
Please follow this link to view important information regarding 2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration.
Alberta Education Assurance Survey
By April 1 you may receive information from Alberta Education regarding an annual Education Survey. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey, it helps us in our ongoing effort to plan, design and implement strategies to make our school community better. If you need the survey to be translated in another language or have any questions, please contact our principal at nadine.trottier@crps.ca.
Town of Banff Children & Youth Programs
The Town of Banff offers a variety of programs for children and youth, including Out of School Care and Spring Break programs.
April 4-8 & 11-14 Into the Wild Nature and Forest Play Camp $42 daily *Banff Access cardholder discounts available. Spring Break Camp participants will meet in the Banff Recreation Grounds at the Rundle Cabin. Drop-off is between 12:00 – 12:30 pm. Pick up is between 5:00 – 5:45pm. This is a play-based, child-led outdoor program. All curriculum is emergent, dynamic, and driven by your child’s interests. Special attention in programming is given to the change of seasons and the unique flora and fauna of Banff National Park. This week-long camp features an Indigenous-led tour, forest bathing, shelter-building and a nature walk with a local interpretive guide! Children (K-grade 5) will also enjoy plenty of opportunities to immerse themselves in rich, sensory-based experiences in the woods, imaginative play, singing, crafts and tinkering. For more information or to register your child, please call 403 762-1251 or visit https://banff.ca/195/Children-Youth.
News from the Office
Banff Elementary School loves and greatly appreciates our volunteers! We require all volunteers who help in the school or on field trips to complete a Vulnerable Sector Check through the RCMP and sign a Confidentiality Contract as per Canadian Rockies Public Schools’ Administrative Procedure 490 - School Volunteers and FOIPP. Prior to volunteering, please email your legal name to the school office at bes.info@crps.ca to request an RCMP Fee Waiver Letter and we will email you back the letter, required forms and instructions. Often Vulnerable Sector Checks can be completed by the RCMP within 24 hours. Please click here for more information on volunteering opportunities.
School Fees
Banff Elementary School fees are available on PowerSchool Parent Portal and are now due. Debit or credit card payments can be made online through your Parent Portal. If you are unable to make full payment at this time or have any questions, please contact Joanne Geyer at joanne.geyer@crps.ca. Please click here for instructions on how to make a payment using PowerSchool Parent Portal.
School Events Calendar
Please click here to view the BES Community Calendar
Mar 23, 2022 |
BES Council Meeting 3:20 pm - meeting link |
Mar 23, 2022 |
CRPS Public Board Meeting 7:00 pm - follow the link to view the agenda |
Mar 25, 2022 |
Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness - wear anything purple in support of raising awareness for everyone who is affected by epilepsy. |
Mar 31, 2022 |
Suicide Awareness Parent Session 6:30 pm at BES please register here |
Apr 1, 2022 |
Tropical Day - Students are encouraged to wear flower print, sun hats, etc. to celebrate the last day of school before Spring Break |
Apr 1, 2022 |
Professional Development, 12:02 pm dismissal for Grades 1 - 8 No Kindergarten classes |
Apr 4-15, 2022 |
Spring Break - School is closed see you on Monday April 18 |
School and Family Wellness Worker
Ashley Butenschon is here to help support families and students with their social and emotional well-being. Please contact her at 403-762-4465 ext 6089. One more way Canadian Rockies School Division is here to help support not only your child, but also your family.
Right from the Start
Right from the Start is happy to be at BES supporting your child's overall mental wellness! This week we're continuing the conversation on how to be a good friend and healthy relationships. BES Success Coaches can be reached by emailing Megan.Jenniex@crps.ca or Michelle.Skingle@crps.ca. You can also check out our website for resources or find us on social media.
Settlement Services
Settlement Services provides Permanent Residents of Canada, Live-In Caregivers and Refugees with the support they need to settle in the Bow Valley. Please click the link for the Settlement Services March Newsletter. More information about Settlement Services and a calendar of events is available at: www.banff.ca/settlement or follow on Facebook: www.facebook.com/settlement.services.in.the.bow.valley.
You can also check out our School Announcements here (this is updated frequently) for more information - see info on a FREE Glee Club Class and The Basement schedule. Please like us on Facebook for news and reminders.
Please follow CRPS on Facebook, and Follow/Tag us on Twitter, so you can stay up-to-date on all CRPS school related issues, updates and information.