2021-2022 BES Back To School Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Ms. Jody Keon (Assistant Principal) and Ms. Nadine Trottier (Principal) are thrilled to work with the BES community for our second year!
The beginning of the school year always marks a time of promise and possibility, and 2021-2022 is no exception! With our dedicated staff and a supportive community, we will continue to nurture a culture of excellence, while attending to the needs of the whole child in a safe and caring environment.
During the first day back on August 30th, teachers will be greeting grades one to eight students at the following locations between 8:15 to 8:30 am:
Grades 1 to 3: by the Den Doors in the courtyard on the Elk Field side of the building.
Grades 4 to 8: will be greeted by their teachers on the Moose Field.
Classroom Assignments and First Day Back
We are sure students are excited to find out who their teacher will be! You will be able to access this information by logging onto PowerSchool Parent Portal on August 27th under the My Schedule tab. As students line up outside starting at 8:15 on August 30th, according to the following format described above, they will see who else is in their class. All staff have put forth significant effort into building balanced classrooms and we ask that you trust our professional judgment in this matter.
Please refer to the Gradual Entry Letter with specific information regarding one-on-one meetings and staggered entries. We will be contacting Kindergarten families to inform them about who their child’s teacher is on September 1st. The first full day for all Kindergarten students will be September 8th. Please meet teachers on the Moose Field between 8:15 and 8:30 am.
New Classroom Configurations
Last June we shared with you the classroom configurations as well as teacher assignments in our E-News. However, some adjustments had to be made to classroom configurations due to changes in enrollment over the summer. We now have a combined K-1 class and a combined 7-8 class in addition to the combined 2-3 class we already had on the list. Please click here for further information regarding combined classes.
Elk Field Update
The landscaping company worked hard to get the grass on the Elk Field in good condition during the summer, but we need to let it mature until the first frost. As such, this field will not be accessible to students or the public until further notice.
Welcoming New Staff Members to BES
You will recognize many familiar faces during pick-ups and drop-offs and will also have the pleasure of meeting new teachers! Please welcome: Ms. Cori Fraser, Ms. Alysa Amirault, and Ms. Nikki Thomson. They will be sharing more about their teaching background during their communication with parents as homeroom teachers. We also have a new educational assistant: Mr. Jon Burgener.
Registration Information
Students who attended Banff Elementary School (including Kindergarten) during the 2020-2021 school year do not need to re-register for in-class learning.
Pick-ups and Drop-offs - Kiss & Go
Kiss & Go zones are designed to safely pick up and drop off students. There will be two ‘Kiss & Go’ zones; Elk Street and Big Horn Street. Please use these as intended; kiss your child good-bye and move along! Drivers, please do not leave your vehicle parked or idling in this area for any amount of time. *Please note there is no stopping or parking heading south on Big Horn Street. We do not want you to get a ticket!
Before School Care
Juggling work and family can be challenging. Banff Elementary School would like to support families by offering before school care.This program will start at 7:45 am beginning Tuesday, September 7. This is a free service for BES families and registration is required. Please click here to register if you will require before school care for the 2021-2022 school year. As part of our re-entry plan, this program will only be offered outside the school to start the year to limit cross-cohorting. Students who get dropped off starting at 8:15 do not need to register for the Before School Care Program.
School Bus Services
Kindergarten through Grade 8 students may use the bus if they live close to a current CRPS school bus stop. You must register for the bus and get a bus pass if you have not been on the bus before. Passes will automatically be mailed out to past school bus passengers. Please register with the Transportation Department at https://www.crps.ca/departments/transportation/school-bus-routes.
A friendly reminder that all students are required to wear a mask on buses at all times.
School Supplies
A list of required supplies for each grade level is available on our website. Please note that if you pre-ordered school supplies through Bow Valley Basics there are a few additional items that your child will require at school which were not included in the pre-ordered packages. These additional items are listed at the bottom of the school supply list. Please send all school supplies on the first day of school. Pre-ordered packages will be distributed on the first day of school.
School Fees
An invoice for school fees will be generated after school commences and payment will be due by October 31, 2021. Payment options and details will be provided at that time. School Fees will also be posted on our school website.
Lunch Program
This wonderful program is organized by parent volunteers. We will revisit when this program can resume once we get an update from the Provincial Government on September 27th, 2021.
Food for Learning
Food for Learning is a program that is available to BES families requiring assistance providing a daily nutritious snack and lunch at school. For more information on this program, please contact the school office. This program is generously supported through the Nutrition Grant and community donations. For those registered for this school year this program will start on September 13th, 2021.
Town of Banff Out of School Club (OSC)
The Out-of-School Club (OSC) is a licensed childcare program offering care for children in kindergarten- grade 6, from September to June. The OSC program hours complement the Canadian Rockies Public School calendar, providing care during the after school hours, PD days, parent/teacher interviews and school breaks. With a focus on child-led play, exploration and natural curiosity, OSC aims to connect children through indoor and outdoor programming. Registration for the 2021-2022 school year is now open. For more information, or to register, call 403-762-1251 or email community.services@banff.ca.
Away for the Day - Student Cell Phone Policy
Please see this link: Away for Day, for details on the BES student cell phone policy and devices off during breaks.
If your child is in Grade 4-5-6, it would be helpful for us as a school for your child to bring their own Chromebook or device. If not, we do have Chromebooks for use in school. If your child is in Grade 7-8, we do ask for them to bring their own device, but again, we can accommodate as needed.
School Re-Entry Plans
Please make sure you are familiar with the CRPS School Re-entry Plan. It contains useful information you will want to know before sending your child to school. As a reminder, here is the Provincial School Re-entry Plan: 2021-22 School Year Plan - Provincial re-entry document
Specific to BES - will be revisited on September 27th
In following the Government’s plan and the CRPS plan, as well as being mindful of the fact that Banff has the highest number of cases per capita in the province, we have added these specific safety measures to our own BES planning:
As we wish to remain in our cohorts whenever possible during instructional times, until Sept. 27th, as per the CRPS re-entry plan, we will have all students including our Gr. 7-8 students eat in their own classes and the privilege to go downtown will be revisited later.
We will refrain from having large school gatherings such as assemblies.
Visitors and Volunteers:
For safety reasons, we will keep doors locked and visitors can ring the bell and meet us during a scheduled appointment. You may now assist us during our outdoor field trips if your schedule allows for it! Your child’s teacher will keep you informed when help is needed. If you plan on volunteering at BES during the school year, please remember to update your vulnerable sector check.
Extra-curricular Activities:
These may occur outside and will allow for us to start after school sports for Grades 7 and 8 students. Please contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Weller, if you would be interested in coaching Volleyball this fall: callahan.weller@crps.ca. Grade 7-8 Intramurals will start during the first week back, by class, on alternate days.
Students will continue to use different doors in order to limit traffic. Teachers will let students know which door is assigned to their class.
Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions.
Nadine Trottier - Principal
Jody Keon - Assistant Principal