Inspiring Hearts and Minds

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E-NEWS & Principal's Post

3D Designing by Grade 7 Students

Last week, our Grade 8 students had the opportunity to head outdoors to do some snowshoeing and team building with students from Lawrence Grassi Middle School and Exshaw School. The purpose of this experience was to build community amongst schools and begin supporting student transitions as they prepare for high school. Students really enjoyed their day in Kananaskis and the activities that were planned. A huge shout out to our incredible Outdoor Learning Centre staff who organized and coordinated this incredible day. We are so fortunate to have this amazing centre and staff at CRPS!
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Congratulations to some of our Grade 2 and 3 students who have been participating in the Caribou Math Contests these past couple of months.  Some of our students have been participating in enrichment math activities inside and outside of school and have the opportunity to compete in an on-line math assessment with students worldwide.  We are excited to share that two of our grade 3 students placed 9th and 10th in the province (out of 174 students) and one of our grade 2 students placed 6th out of 16 students in the province.  Well done BES!!!

Thank you to our Grade 8 Leadership Clubs!
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Our Grade 8 Leadership Class are offering many clubs to our students during this next month.  For example, students can participate in lego club, games club, and the international student club.  A special thank you as well to the club that is providing tea and baked goods to our staff on Thursday mornings.  We really appreciate it and all the leadership that our students are offering out to BES students.

Spotlight on Learning
Grade 3 Spotlight - Exciting Adventures on the Slopes of Norquay!
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March 5 was the first morning of downhill ski/snowboard lessons for our Grade 3 students at Norquay! Over the month of March, our young adventurers will be guided by Norquay's instructors, to discover the joy of gliding through the snow while developing skills and building confidence on the slopes.  With each lesson, they will become more resilient and by the end of the month, the sense of achievement they gain is heartwarming to witness. We extend our gratitude to all our parent volunteers, the Norquay team and the PAUW foundation for a memorable mountain living outdoor pursuits learning opportunity.  These experiences and connections in nature and community enhance learning beyond the classroom, which is one of our Shared Vision of Learning beliefs at CRPS! 

Grade 7 Spotlight
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As part of our STEM program, Grade 7 students have been exploring the world of structures and forces by diving into 3D design and engineering concepts. They began by learning the fundamentals of the 3D CAD program, SketchUp, where they gained future-ready skills in creating 3D digital models. Now, they are applying these skills to design their own playground structures, considering the experience and safety of all users. Once their designs are complete, students are bringing their creations to life by 3D printing their models, connecting their knowledge of engineering with hands-on, real-world applications. We look forward to putting our finished products on display in the Division 3 wing of the school during Parent/Teacher/Student conferences!

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Mar 7 - Staff Professional Learning - 12:05 pm dismissal for Grades 1 - 8 (no Kindergarten classes)
  • Mar 7 - P/T/S Conference Booking System Opens 4:00 pm
  • Mar 10-14 - Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Mar 11 - CCHS Open House for Grade 8 students & families 6:00 - 8:00 pm
  • Mar 16 - P/T/S Conference Booking System Closes 11:55 pm

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
March 19 Evening conferences 4:00 - 7:00 pm - regular classes during the day
March 20 Evening conferences 5:00 - 8:00 pm - regular classes during the day
March 21 Morning conferences 8:30 - 11:45 am and P.D. in the afternoon - no school for students all day

For our Spring P/T/S Conferences, you will have a choice of a virtual meeting or an in-person meeting. Please note there are separate schedules: one for Grades K-7 to book a 15 minute conference with their homeroom teacher, one for Grade 8 to book a 10 minute conference with both Grade 8 homeroom teachers at the same time, and a schedule to book a conference with our Music teacher (Grades 1 - 8) and/or our French Teacher (Grades 4 - 8). Please ensure to select the correct schedule when making your booking. Appointments can also be made with our Principals, Jason Billings / Valerie Chisholm, and our School and Family Wellness Worker, Emily Nicholson, by emailing them directly ( Please click here for School Appointments - Parent Instructions. Appointments for parents and students to meet with teachers can be booked online at This system will open Friday March 7 at 4:00 pm and appointments can be booked until Sunday March 16 11:55 pm. You will be able to login to your account created in the fall or register for a new account and add your child(ren), then schedule a meeting (Virtual or in-person) using this system. After March 16 the online booking system will be closed - parents will be required to email their child's homeroom teacher directly to change or cancel an appointment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office.

Calling all parents!
The BES School Council would like to continue the tradition we started again last year, and ask for your help in preparing some food and drinks, to give teachers one less thing to worry about during the P/T/S conferences. Please sign up below for items that you can prepare and drop off at the school before the conferences on Wednesday March 19 from 3:00-4:00 pm,  Thursday March 20 from 3:00-4:00 pm or Friday March 21 from 8:00-9:00 am. Teachers will have their own plates, cutlery, etc.
Thank you!
BES School Council

BCHS and CCHS Open House Dates
Banff Community High School will be hosting their Transition Night & Open House on Monday March 24 5:15-7:00 pm. You can find more information here: BCHS Open House
Canmore Collegiate High School will be hosting their Open House for Grade 8 families on Tuesday March 11 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. You can find more information here: CCHS Open House

Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week - March 10 - 14
Next week is Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week. We are so grateful for the hardwork and dedication of our substitute teachers. They are integral in supporting our schools and continuing the amazing work of our teachers. We have so many wonderful and committed substitute teachers at CRPS, and on behalf of our staff, students and families at BES, we just want to thank them and show our appreciation for the work they do each and every day! 

Save The Date - Family Movie Night on March 27
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Our School Council is excited to host another movie night on Thursday March 27. This time we will be watching Moana 2. Doors will open at 5:15 pm and our movie will start at 5:30 pm. $2 per person for admission or $5 for a family (students must be accompanied by an adult). We will also have a concession with some snack items for sale for $1 or $2. Funds raised during our movie night support building classroom libraries for each of our classes.
We will need some volunteers to help with a variety of tasks on movie night.  If you are able to support, please email We are excited for another great community building event!

Education Week April 7 - 11 / BES Open House
BES will be celebrating Education Week from April 7 - 11. During this week, we will celebrate all the hard work our students and staff put into learning each and every day. We will be running some school wide literacy and numeracy/STEM activities, will host Earth Week activities and will host an Open House for families to drop in to enjoy some fun learning activities alongside your children. The Open House will run on Thursday April 10 from 2:00 - 3:02 pm. We hope you can join us!

Raising Digitally Resilient Kids
Helping children navigate the digital world is more than just setting screen time limits - it’s about building digital resilience. CRPS is encouraging parents to explore MediaSmarts’ “Raising Digitally Resilient Kids” workshop, which provides strategies to help children balance online risks and rewards. Based on research with youth, the session outlines key risk areas and offers practical tools to guide safe and responsible media use. Parents will learn how to create household media rules, evaluate apps and websites, and foster open conversations about digital habits. Handouts cover essential topics, including how to assess online content, support healthy screen time, and protect personal privacy. With children increasingly connected, understanding how to engage with technology wisely is more critical than ever. Explore the workshop resources and help build digital resilience at home! More information is available at MediaSmarts.

Important Dates
Please click here to view the BES Community Calendar and click here for the 2024-2025 Learning Calendars.

March 7 

Staff Professional Learning - 12:05 pm dismissal for Grades 1 - 8 (no Kindergarten classes)

March 7 

P/T/S Conference Booking System Opens 4:00 pm

March 10-14

Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week

March 11 

CCHS Open House 6:00 - 8:00 pm

March 16  

P/T/S Conference Booking System Closes 11:55 pm

March 19 & 20 

P/T/S Evening Conferences

March 21 

P/T/S Morning Conferences / Staff Professional Learning Afternoon (No classes for students all day)

March 24 

BCHS Transition Night & Open House 5:15 - 7:00 pm

March 26 

BES Council Meeting 3:20 pm at BES

March 26 

CRPS Board of Trustees’ Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Canmore Board Office

March 27 

School Council Movie Night - doors open 5:15 pm

Banff Elementary School loves and greatly appreciates our volunteers! We require all volunteers who help in the school or on field trips to complete a Criminal Record Check through the RCMP and sign a Confidentiality Contract as per Canadian Rockies Public Schools’ Administrative Procedure 490 - School Volunteers and FOIPP. RCMP checks expire one year from the issue date. Prior to volunteering, please email your legal name to the school office at to request an RCMP Fee Waiver Letter and we will email you back the letter, required forms, and instructions. Often Criminal Record Checks can be completed by the RCMP within 24 hours. Please click here for more information on volunteering opportunities.

School and Family Wellness Worker
Emily Nicholson, our new School and Family Wellness Worker, is here to help support families and students with their social and emotional well-being. Please contact her at 403-762-4465 ext 6089. This is one more way Canadian Rockies School Division is here to help support not only your child, but also your family.

Right From The Start
Welcome back BES families! We are so excited to have you here! Ms. Jenniex, with Right from the Start, will start visiting all the classrooms next week. If you have any questions about Right from the Start, please feel free to reach out to Watch for RFTS newsletter updates from your child(ren)’s homeroom teachers throughout the year to see what is happening with RFTS!

Before School Care
Before School Care is being offered at no cost to families in need of childcare before school to enable parents to get to work on time. Before School Care will commence Tuesday September 3, 2024 and registration is required each year. It is available between 7:45 - 8:15 am. Please click here to register your child. Students who arrive at 8:15 do not need to register for the Before School Care Program.

Out of School Club
The Town of Banff Out of School Club (OSC) is a licensed childcare program offering care for school aged children during the school year. With a focus on child-led play, exploration, and natural curiosity, OSC aims to connect children through indoor and outdoor programming. The OSC program hours compliment the Canadian Rockies Public School calendar - providing care during the after school hours, PD days, parent/teacher interviews, the staggered kindergarten entry and school breaks. For more details, program calendars, and information on how to register, visit Winter Break registration opens to all on November 15th 2024 at 8:30am.

Settlement Services
Settlement Services provides Permanent Residents of Canada, Live-In Caregivers and Refugees with the support they need to settle in the Bow Valley. Please click the link for the Settlement Services Newsletter. More information about Settlement Services and a calendar of events is available at: or follow on Facebook:

SWIS Upcoming Events:
Filipino Youth (Grades 7-12) and Adult Workshops in Banff on Friday March 7
We are excited to invite Filipino youth and their families to join us for the upcoming workshops, hosted by Settlement Services in the Bow Valley. These workshops will be held entirely in Tagalog and feature engaging topics for both youth and parents.

For Filipino Youth (Grades 7-12)
Date: Friday March 7, 2025
Time: 12:00 – 3:00 pm (Half-day Friday, pick-up between 11:42 AM – 12:15 pm from different schools)
Location: Pioneer Room, Catharine Robb Whyte Building, Banff
Topics: Moving to Canada, life in Canada vs. the Philippines, skills building for success, and more!
Lunch and transportation provided.
[Register here:]
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For Filipino Adults
Date: Friday March 7, 2025
Time: 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Location: Pioneer Room, Catharine Robb Whyte Building, Banff
Topics: Reuniting as a family in Canada, building healthy relationships, and parenting in Canada
Dinner, childcare, and transportation provided.
[Register here:]
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You can also check out our School Announcements here (this is updated frequently) for more information. Please like us on Facebook and follow BES on Instagram @banffelementaryschool for news and reminders.

Canadian Rockies Public Schools
Please follow CRPS on Facebook, Follow/Tag us on Twitter and on Instagram so you can stay up-to-date on all CRPS school related issues, updates and information. Please click here for the CRPS Board Meeting Calendar, Agendas and Highlights.

Homestay families needed in Banff, Canmore or Exshaw for international high school students (Grade 10-12) from Feb-June 2025
Do you have a spare bedroom? Become a host family for our International Student Program! Remuneration is provided. Follow this link to find out more!
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