E-NEWS Spotlight on Learning

Our Kindy students left us with a beautiful mural this week to highlight their learning for the week.
Grade 3 students showing their learning on animals by writing a diary from the animal's perspective.
Banff Elementary School Grade 8 students have been busy this spring working to find creative solutions to real-world problems through their Community Initiative Projects. Inspired by the work of Dr. Robert Kelly, associate professor from the University of Calgary and author of Educating for Creativity, students launched six projects to address issues related to the United Nations Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. Please click here to learn more about the
Mr. Kestle, BES’s new principal, came to visit our classes this week to introduce himself.
And last but not least, we said farewell to our Grade 8s during a beautiful ceremony!
Summer Break/Report Cards/Class Placement
BES wishes you a safe & happy summer break! Please ensure to review and print your child’s report card before July 31 as it will not be available after this date. You will be able to see class placement on your PowerSchool Parent Portal after August 26.
School Supplies 2022-2023
BES and Bow Valley Basics are working together to offer you great savings and convenience for your child’s school supplies! This is an optional program. To place an order please visit www.bvbasics.net or visit Bow Valley Basics (Canmore) in person by JULY 31 to take advantage of the pre-order pricing. Orders received after July 31 may be subject to a handling fee. No orders or payments will be taken at the school. Please click here for more information and the supply list for each grade.
2022-2023 School Year
Please click here for 2022 2023 BES Staffing Announcement. Children already attending Banff Elementary School do not need to complete a new registration, even if your child is transitioning to Banff Community High School or Canmore Collegiate High School next school year. If your plans change and your child(ren) will not be attending BES in the fall, please email the school office at bes.info@crps.ca as soon as possible.
Right from the Start Summer Programming
Did you know Right from the Start offers free, family programming in the summer? Everything from drumming in the park and virtual crafty Fridays to some good ole fashioned summer fun and DIY terrariums! While the activities are free, some require registration. Please go to our Summer 2022 page on our website for registration and more information!
TOB & Banff Library Summer Programs
The Town of Banff offers a variety of programs for children and youth, including Summer Fun programs and Summer Get Out and Rise & Shine programs..
Please click here to check out the Banff Library Summer Reading Club programs.
Become a Host Family for CRPS International Students in 2022-23!
CRPS is looking for Canmore & Banff families to host our next incredible cohort of 50 international students arriving in August 2022! Make meaningful connections, share your different cultures, learn a new language, build life-long memories & friendships! Commitments of 5 months and 10 months are available, with monthly remuneration provided. For more information and to apply, contact international@crps.ca or 403-609-6072.
Right from the Start
Right from the Start is wishing you a happy summer! If you have any RFTS questions during the summer months, please reach out to rfts@crps.ca. We hope to see you at some of our summer programs! You can also check out our website for resources, and find us on social media for updates throughout the summer.
Settlement Services
Settlement Services provides Permanent Residents of Canada, Live-In Caregivers and Refugees with the support they need to settle in the Bow Valley. Please click the link for the Settlement Services July Newsletter and the Spotlight on Settlement. More information about Settlement Services and a calendar of events is available at: www.banff.ca/settlement or follow on Facebook: www.facebook.com/settlement.services.in.the.bow.valley.
You can also check out our School Announcements here for more information and please like us on Facebook for news and reminders.
Please follow CRPS on Facebook, and Follow/Tag us on Twitter, so you can stay up-to-date on all CRPS related issues, updates and information.