E-NEWS Spotlight on Learning

Relaxing, Reading and Connecting
Students relaxing and sharing a read together after school this week in the warm weather. Reading with or to others is a great way to build connections, improve fluency and comprehension while enjoying in the natural environment. Reading for pleasure is a wonderful way to spend time during the evenings and summer months.
Important Upcoming Dates
- May 26 - Student Spirit Club organized Fancy Friday - dress up in your finest duds
- May 29 - Full Day Professional Development for staff - no school for students all day
- Jun 2 - PD afternoon - 12:00 pm dismissal for Gr 1 - 8 (no Kindergarten classes)
Track & Field
Many of our Grade 7 and 8 students participated in the regional Track & Field meet held at LGMS this week. Congratulations to all the participants and good luck to those who qualified to compete at Zones next week. Go Cubs Go!
Lost & Found
Our lost & found tables are overflowing. Please have your child(ren) check out the tables for their belongings or please stop by the school and have a look. Lots of winter items have been left behind. Items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated.
Safety While Travelling To/From School
With the nice weather, children are enjoying the outdoors more and more. This is a reminder for students while travelling to / from school by bike, skateboard, scooter, etc to wear their helmets, follow the rules, and lock their equipment to the bike racks along the field. As our town becomes busier with tourists, it’s important to make a route plan with your child(ren) and go over safety expectations for travelling to / from school. Wildlife encounters around Banff increase in the spring and this would be a good time to remind your child(ren) to be aware of the animals that share our park.
Important Dates
Please click here to view the BES Community Calendar
May 26 |
Student Spirit Club organized Fancy Friday - dress up in your finest duds |
May 29 |
Full Day Professional Development for staff - no school for students all day |
Jun 2 |
PD afternoon - 12:00 pm dismissal for Gr 1 - 8 (no Kindergarten classes) |
Jun 9 |
Student Spirit Club organized Rainbow Shirt Friday - dress in your grade colour so the whole school becomes a rainbow (K&1 Red, 2&3 Orange, 4 Yellow, 5 Green, 6 Blue, 7&8 Purple) |
Jun 16 |
PD afternoon - 12:00 pm dismissal for Gr 1 - 8 (no Kindergarten classes) |
Jun 27 |
Last Day of School for Kindergarten Students (Family Picnic/12:00 pm dismissal) |
Jun 30 |
Last Day of School - 12:00 pm dismissal for Gr 1 - 8 |
News from the Office
Banff Elementary School loves and greatly appreciates our volunteers! We require all volunteers who help in the school or on field trips to complete an annual Vulnerable Sector Check through the RCMP and sign a Confidentiality Contract as per Canadian Rockies Public Schools’ Administrative Procedure 490 - School Volunteers and FOIPP. Prior to volunteering, please email your legal name to the school office at bes.info@crps.ca to request an RCMP Fee Waiver Letter and we will email you back the letter, required forms and instructions. Often Vulnerable Sector Checks can be completed by the RCMP within 24 hours. Please click here for more information on volunteering opportunities.
School Fees Now Overdue
Banff Elementary School fees are available on PowerSchool Parent Portal and are now overdue. As per Canadian Rockies School Division’s Administrative Procedure 503, payment for school fees is due 30 days after invoicing. Please contact the school office to make payment arrangements if payment has not been made at this time.
School and Family Wellness Worker
Ashley Butenschon is here to help support families and students with their social and emotional well-being. Please contact her at 403-762-4465 ext 6089. This is one more way Canadian Rockies School Division is here to help support not only your child, but also your family.
Right From The Start
Ms. Jenniex is now sending home monthly updates for each classroom! To check out what other classes are doing, or to read prior months' updates, go here: BES RFTS Monthly Updates. For information on Right from the Start at Banff Elementary School or to contact me directly, please email megan.jenniex@crps.ca.
Town of Banff Children & Youth Programs
The Out-of-School Club (OSC) is a licensed childcare program offering care for school aged children, September to June. With a focus on child-led play, exploration and natural curiosity, OSC aims to connect children through indoor and outdoor programming. The OSC program hours compliment the Canadian Rockies Public School calendar- providing care during the after school hours, PD days, parent/teacher interviews, the staggered kindergarten entry and school breaks. For details and how to register, visit www.banff.ca/kids.
Settlement Services
Settlement Services provides Permanent Residents of Canada, Live-In Caregivers and Refugees with the support they need to settle in the Bow Valley. Please click the link for the Settlement Services April Newsletter. More information about Settlement Services and a calendar of events is available at: www.banff.ca/settlement or follow on Facebook: www.facebook.com/settlement.services.in.the.bow.valley.
You can also check out our School Announcements here (this is updated frequently) for more information. Please like us on Facebook and follow BES on Instagram @banffelementaryschool for news and reminders.
Canadian Rockies Public Schools
Please follow CRPS on Facebook and Follow/Tag us on Twitter so you can stay up-to-date on all CRPS school related issues, updates and information. Please click here for the CRPS Board Meeting Calendar, Agendas and Highlights.
Do you have a spare bedroom? Become a host family for our International Student Program! We are looking for 5 or 10 month commitments. Remuneration is provided. Follow this link to find out more!