E-NEWS: First Day & Meeting Locations, Classroom Assignments, Re-Entry Plan, Parking & Drop Off Zones, Before School Care

First Day Back and Meeting Locations
As a reminder, during the first day back on August 30th, teachers will be greeting Grades 1 - 8 students at the following locations between 8:15 to 8:30 am:
Grades 1 to 3: will be greeted by their teachers by the Den Doors in the courtyard on the Elk Field side of the building.
Grades 4 to 8: will be greeted by their teachers on the Moose Field.
Kindergarten families, please refer to the emailed information sent earlier.
Classroom Assignments
We are sure students are excited to find out who their teacher will be! You are now able to access this information by logging onto PowerSchool Parent Portal under the My Schedule tab. As students line up outside starting at 8:15 am on August 30th, according to the format described above, they will see who else is in their class. All staff have put forth significant effort into building balanced classrooms and we ask that you trust our professional judgment in this matter.
Clarifications Regarding the Re-Entry Plan
Please refer back to the CRPS School Re-entry for more details, as well as our BES specific notes, found in our Welcome Back letter, now on our website. As a reminder, anyone entering BES should be using the self-screening tool found here: Alberta Health Daily Checklist, and use hand sanitizer upon entering the school. Masking is recommended for Kindergarten to Grade 3 students in common areas and mandatory for Grade 4 to 8 students in common areas only, not in classrooms. There will no longer be zones outside during recesses. This will provide an opportunity for students to mingle with their friends from other classes.
Dressing for Outdoor PhysEd & Recess
As fall is starting to set in, it is important to ensure your child(ren) comes to school prepared to go outside for PhysEd and recess. Please ensure to send extra layers each day. The gymnasium is open for PhysEd classes this year, but we do like to take advantage of the outdoors whenever possible!
Parking and Drop Off Zones
Please take a close look at the map below regarding the recommended traffic flow and drop-off/pick-up locations for your children. We have been working closely with the Town of Banff to make getting to and from school a safe experience for all students. Please teach your child to use the crosswalk at either corner (Moose & Big Horn or Elk & Big Horn), or better yet approach the Big Horn Kiss N’ Go area northbound so your child does not have to cross the street. When the ‘road closed’ signs are in place on Squirrel Street (8:00-8:40 am and 2:45-3:15 pm), please do not drive around them. These are in place for students’ safety.
We need your help! If you are going by and see the barricade should be out (8:00am or 2:45pm) or be returned to its spot by the fence (8:30 am or 3:15 pm), please feel comfortable moving it as needed. This would be greatly appreciated!!
Before School Care
Juggling work and family can be challenging. Banff Elementary School would like to support families by offering before school care.This program will start at 7:45 am beginning Tuesday, September 7. This is a free service for BES families and registration is required. Please click here to register if you will require before school care for the 2021-2022 school year. As part of our re-entry plan, this program will only be offered outside the school to start the year to limit cross-cohorting. Students who get dropped off starting at 8:15 do not need to register for the Before School Care Program.
Volleyball Coaches Needed
If you are interested in coaching a volleyball team this fall, please contact Mr. Weller at callahan.weller@crps.ca.
Town of Banff Into the Wild Program
The Town of Banff Community Services Team is happy to welcome Camilla to the Into the Wild team. To learn more about Camilla and this program please visit www.banff.ca/intothewild.
The Into the Wild team would like to invite you and your family to join them at the Rundle Cabin in the Recreation Grounds for an Into the Wild Open House on Sunday September 26 from 10 am – 2 pm. You will get to experience the Into the Wild program, have a cup of hot chocolate by a warm fire and learn more about this fabulous program.
School Calendar
Please click here to view the BES Community Calendar
Aug 30, 2021 |
Back to School Grades 1-8 |
Sept 3, 2021 |
School Closure - no classes |
Sept 6, 2021 |
School Closure - Labour Day Holiday - no classes |
Sept 8, 2021 |
First full day of Kindergarten classes |
Sept 17, 2021 |
P.D. Day - 12:00 pm dismissal for Grades 1 - 8, no Kindergarten classes |
Sept 24, 2021 |
Picture Day |
Sept 30, 2021 |
Orange Shirt Day |
School and Family Wellness Worker
Ashley Butenschon is here to help support families and students with their social and emotional well-being. Please contact her at 403-762-4465 ext 6089. One more way Canadian Rockies School Division is here to help support not only your child, but also your family.
Right from the Start
Welcome back to a new school year! Right from the Start provides programming about positive mental health to all students at BES. We'll start the year by identifying how we can take care of our wellbeing and mental health - by addressing our body, mind, spirit and feelings. We can be reached as always by emailing Success Coaches Megan.Jenniex@crps.ca and Kathleen.Wiebe@crps.ca. You can check out our website for resources, and find us on social media!
Settlement Services
Settlement Services provides Permanent Residents of Canada, Live-In Caregivers and Refugees with the support they need to settle in the Bow Valley. Please click the link for the Settlement Services August Newsletter. More information about Settlement Services and a calendar of events is available at: www.banff.ca/settlement or follow on Facebook: www.facebook.com/settlement.services.in.the.bow.valley.
You can also check out our School Announcements here (this is updated frequently) for more information. Please like us on Facebook for news and reminders.
Please follow CRPS on Facebook, and Follow/Tag us on Twitter, so you can stay up-to-date on all CRPS school related issues, updates and information.