E-NEWS Spotlight on Learning

Spotlight on Celebrating the BES 2022-2023 School Year
Walking backwards from today’s Farewell Ceremony for our Grade 8 students, I reflect on the many amazing events and experiences we have shared together as students, staff, and families. Thank you everyone for welcoming Ms. Beecroft and myself as the principals of this wonderful school. Serving your children has been an honour, working with staff has been rewarding, and working with you has been a pleasure! Personally, I would like to thank Ms. Beecroft for diving into her role as assistant principal after Ms. Keon became principal of Exshaw School. Ms. Beecroft walked in one September day as a reading specialist and out that same day as an assistant principal. Ms. Beecroft has been an amazing administrative partner and together we have worked diligently to incorporate and share our strengths to lead Banff Elementary to broader and deeper learning experiences and wider school and community events. Thank you for your involvement, continued support and appreciation for the learning and playing that occurs at Banff Elementary School. Ms. Beecroft’s true passion is supporting our students to close their gaps in reading and she will be returning to this role in the coming school year. Our students will continue to benefit immensely from her expertise in this area. I look forward to welcoming Ms. Chisholm as BES’s new assistant principal. On behalf of all the staff, we wish you a safe and fulfilling summer break - whatever you do, wherever you go and with whomever you see!
Thank you, Mr. Craig Kestle
Important Upcoming Dates
- Jun 30 - Wrap-Up Assembly 9:00 - 9:30 am BES gym for volunteer thank yous and staff farewells
- Jun 30 - Last Day of School 12:00 pm dismissal for Gr 1 - 8 - please ensure to send an extra bag for your child to bring home all their treasures
- July 1 - Aug 23 - BES office will be closed for Summer Holidays
- Aug 24 - BES office will re-open
- Aug 28 - First day of school for students
Report Cards/Parent Portal
All report cards will be available digitally on June 30 after 12:00 pm through Parent Portal. As the school office will be closed after June 30, please ensure you can log into the Parent Portal in advance or contact the office to reset your password. Access to 2022-2023 report cards is only available until July 31. If you’d like a copy to keep for your family please print one before the end of July.
2023-2024 School Supplies
BES and Bow Valley Basics are working together to offer you great savings and convenience for your child’s school supplies! This is an optional program. To place an order please visit www.bvbasics.net or visit Bow Valley Basics (Canmore) in person by JULY 26 to take advantage of the pre-order pricing. Orders received after July 26 may be subject to a handling fee. No orders or payments will be taken at the school. Please click here for more information and the supply list for each grade. It is not necessary to purchase all new supplies, however all items are required. Please reuse/recycle.
Lost & Found
Our lost & found tables are overflowing. Please have your child(ren) check out the tables for their belongings or please stop by the school and have a look. Lots of winter items have been left behind. Items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated.