Inspiring Hearts and Minds

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Parent / Teacher / Student Conferences

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
November 6 Evening conferences 4:00 - 7:00 pm - regular classes during the day
November 7 Evening conferences 5:00 - 8:00 pm - regular classes during the day
November 8 Morning conferences 8:30 - 11:45 am - BES is closed in the afternoon

For our Fall P/T/S Conferences, you will have a choice of a virtual meeting or an in-person meeting. Please note there are separate schedules: one for Grades K-7 to book a 15 minute conference with their homeroom teacher, one for Grade 8 to book a 10 minute conference with both Grade 8 homeroom teachers at the same time, and a schedule to book a conference with our Music teacher (Grades 1 - 8) and/or our French Teacher (Grades 4 - 8). Please ensure to select the correct schedule when making your booking. Appointments can also be made with our Principals, Jason Billings / Valerie Chisholm, and our School and Family Wellness Worker, Emily Nicholson, by emailing them directly ( After November 3 the online booking system will be closed - parents will be required to email their child's homeroom teacher directly to change or cancel an appointment. Please click here for School Appointments - Parent Instructions. Appointments for parents and students to meet with teachers can be booked online at This system will open Friday October 25 at 4:00 pm and appointments can be booked until Sunday November 3 11:55 pm. You will need to create a new account, even if you have used this system in the past, by clicking the REGISTER tab on the menu bar. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office.

Teacher Meals-of-Appreciation - A Message from our School Council
Calling all parents!  We can all agree our teachers have been working hard with our kids as everyone settles into a new school year and new routines. BES Teachers have been busy preparing for the upcoming Parent/Teacher Student Conferences, on top of their regular teaching load.
The BES Parent School Council would like to continue the tradition and ask for help in preparing some food and drinks, to give teachers one less thing to worry about during the conferences! Please sign up below for items that you can prepare and drop off at the school in the Staff Room (Squirrel Street entrance) before the conferences, Wednesday 3 - 4pm or Thursday 3 - 4pm or Friday 8:00 - 8:30am. Teachers will have their own plates, cutlery, etc.
Here is the Sign Up Genius link: Meals of Appreciation Sign Up

Thank you!!
BES Parent School Council

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Box 748, 325 Squirrel Street
Banff , Alberta T1L 1K1

Phone: 403-762-4465

Fax: 403-762-4036